Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Google It.

Not that I'm going to start an awareness program.. though someone should.. seems *doctors* are getting rich off of SIDS Awareness and the *Back to Sleep* campaign where babies now have to sleep on their backs or die. Raise your hand if you were put on your tummy when you were brought home from the hospital and (here it comes...) lived.

When babies are put on their backs to sleep, they tend to roll their head to one side and being soft, the heads form a flat spot and babies continue to favor where their head rolls naturally.. towards the flat spot. Emily's is *severe*.

*Luckily* there is a new *technology* called a DOC band.. which is like a little wrestlers helmet that helps reshape the babies head. They are put into it at about 4 months and wear it for about 8 weeks. Emily was fitted for hers yesterday. It'll be here in two weeks. If anyone wants to send her stickers to put on her helmet, please do!

And seriously.. the flat spot would probably round out once Em starts sitting up all the time.. but insurance covers it and she'll be done by Christmas.

And if you tease her.. Rob will kick your ass.


Grandee said...

How come Pam saw a picture of the hat and not me. Can't wait till Thanksgiving. I have found some awesome houses to show you - start packing.

pam said...

mom, you do NOT want to see that picture, it is AWFUL. it is the worst picture EVER. i cried. my poor emmy. jenny is EVIL for sending it to me.

my sweet potato. :(

pam said...

also, aunt pam will kick your ass too, and the triplets will help. (if you tease emily.)

Mommy said...

Sorry to be nosy, but my daughter (5 mos) has Plagiocephaly, also. I agree that this is all a scam. Good Lord, they tell us our kids will die if they sleep on their stomachs, but it is going to cost us money and suffering if they sleep on their backs. What a bummer! Gracie got her helmet (Hanger) right after Halloween. We are hoping for two months (she is going to grow out of it soon). Everyone feels sorry for her, but she looks "cute" (for a helmet wearer). Lots of jokes about looking like a biker, sky diver, pumpkin, etc. Good Luck, and I hope Emily is adjusting well.
Emily (http://littlenoggin.blogspot.com)